速報APP / 社交 / InsDog for Instagram

InsDog for Instagram





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




InsDog for Instagram(圖1)-速報App

InsDog helps you to see activities of Instagram Profiles that you follow in an organized way.

Whenever a profile likes a photo of someone, follows / unfollows someone or leaves a comment on a post, InsDog will save them for you! No need to check Instagram every 5 minutes!

NEW FEATURE: Top 50 Admirer List

InsDog for Instagram(圖2)-速報App

See who like, comment and interact with your friend the most.

In order to add some profile on InsDog, you should be already following that profile on Instagram.

This app is intended for fun and entertainment purposes.

InsDog for Instagram(圖3)-速報App

Disclaimer: InsDog and TechnHall are not associated with Instagram Inc in any way. This is a unofficial product and is intended for entertainment purposes only. Some features mentioned above require In-App Purchases.